If you find any cheaper deals in Miami for the same activity/duration that we offer, we will make sure to match that same price for you once you arrive! It is important for us to make sure that you are getting the best and lowest cost for your water activities. Price matching are only available for Walk-ins, and be sure that the deal you are trying to match is available for the same time that you are trying to do it with us.
Don’t waste your time driving to individual companies to do only one activity at a time. Here at Miami Watersports we offer them all at just one convenient departure point! Check-in once and participate in as many activities as you wish without having to drive or uber somewhere else. (sailing activities are the only exception, we have them at a different location 10min away).
We have a cheap public “pay by phone” parking lot right next to our facility which makes it quick and easy to park and get out on the water! Most places in Miami Beach do not offer parking, and if you get lucky and find a parking lot, the price is usually very high compared to our location.
Miami Watersports is open every single day of the year from 10am until sunset. As long as the weather permits it, we will always be open to welcome you!
You can either make a reservation directly through our website to get a scheduled departure time; or you may also just come as a walk-in which would be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
We are one of the few water sports company here in Miami able to accommodate a large volume of people. On an average day we are able to run 15 Jet Skis every 30minutes; run up to 3-Parasail boats every hour; and got a very fast flow for the rest of our activities as well.
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